2024 0830 馨:衝浪者 Surfer.1.png


2024 0830 給馨的祝福:衝浪者 Surfer


馨 ~

















套句我最近課程的老師很喜歡說的話 ~ 人,不管做什麼事情,怎麼舒服自在怎麼來。






為馨的愛情加油打氣,送給馨的塔羅祝福:【衝浪者 Surfer】。



Blessings to Xin on 2024-08-30: Surfer



You say you are shy and introverted, but I think you are very brave. You want to break out of your shell and be more at ease in front of the person you like.


When you see the person you like, you can’t help but blush, your heart beats faster, and your words become stuttered. It seems your romantic star is quite excited and happy. Having someone you like is a wonderful thing. Feeling lost and clumsy in front of them is the beauty of a secret crush. A writer once said that what she loves most about love is the ambiguous phase, when it feels like there is intent without intention, and sometimes, it seems like there is intention without intent. You notice everything about the other person, including their emotional responses. No matter what expression they have, they always seem to look good through your eyes.


You mentioned that since you met, he often invites you to go out, and you always have a lot to talk about together. I feel that he also has a bit of interest in you. In front of someone who matters, everyone feels uneasy and lacks confidence until the relationship is confirmed. Only then can you slowly feel at ease and natural with each other, reaching a point of deep understanding, with traces of each other in your lives.


I encourage you to express your feelings more during the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival. But you declined, saying you didn't have the courage and were afraid it might become awkward. You’re also worried that he might not share the same feelings, which would be embarrassing. You’re not ready to face the outcome, whether it's happiness or sadness.


As my recent course instructor often says, "Whatever makes you feel comfortable and at ease, just do it." This instructor is from Shenzhen, so their wording is a bit different from ours, but doesn’t this phrase have a comfortable and straightforward feeling to it?! I not only like this phrase but also strongly agree with it, so I immediately shared it with you. There’s no rush. Whatever you want to do is fine; whatever pace you want to move at is fine. Only when you feel at ease can you truly enjoy the sweetness and joy, the happiness and fulfillment of a relationship that naturally unfolds.


Cheering for Xin’s love, here’s a tarot blessing for you: The Surfer. The message from the universe hopes that Xin can be a bit braver, like a child, naturally and freely expressing her emotions and feelings. Repressing them will only make you feel more at a loss. On the contrary, expressing your feelings allows you to enjoy the joy and exhilaration of emotions running wild, the passion and excitement. Of course, we can't be sure of the other person's feelings, but we also know that if we don't let the other person know, and if the other person is also passive and reserved, the outcome might be regrettable.







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